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"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." - Matthew 24:14 and the artwork on it was created by me, Martin Gargaglione.

I'm a Christian and I made this website to help spread the gospel of my

Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The purpose of this art is to glorify God, YHVH.


I pray that God uses this to be a blessing to you.


If you wish to communicate with me, you can write me a message by clicking here or simply scrolling all the way down to the Contact section of this webpage.


The Word of God, the Bible:

The Bible is the Word of God.

Guided by the authoritative principle of the Holy Scriptures, I acknowledge that my doctrines and practices emerge from the truth that the Holy Scriptures are indeed the Word of God. They encompass all that is essential for understanding salvation and serve as a cornerstone for a Christian's personal testimony and interactions within the church.

All 66 books of the Scriptures are of divine inspiration by God, YHVH.

The Holy Spirit not only inspired the thoughts of the writers but also formulated the very verbal structure in which the thoughts were expressed, resulting in the original documents being inerrant and infallible in facts and truth. Therefore, the Holy Scriptures, the 66 books that make up the Holy Bible, have supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. (1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). The Bible, as originally written, not only contains and transmits the Word of God, but it is the Word of God itself. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Acts 1:16; John 10:35; Matthew 5:18).


The most authentic English translation of the Bible is the

original King James Version.

God, YHVH:

There is only one living and true God - personal, eternal, perfect in justice, infinite in power, wisdom, and goodness. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Supreme Judge of all that exists in heaven and on earth. He is unspeakably glorious in holiness, deserving and worthy of all love, worship, trust, and obedience. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His name (in the letters of the Latin alphabet) is YHVH. He is one Triune God that exists eternally in three persons, referred to as the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, distinct in the performance of roles, but equal in substance, divine attributes, and glory. All three persons of the Holy Trinity harmonize in the grand work of redemption. (John 17:3; Exodus 20:2-3; Deuteronomy 4:39; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).

God, the Son:

Jesus Christ is the second person of the Holy Trinity, being God Himself. He is the radiance of the Father's glory and the exact representation of His substance. He created the universe and everything in it, upholding it by the power of His Word. In the fullness of time, He took human form, made in His likeness but without sin. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, a virgin, thus being born of a woman, from the tribe of Judah, of the seed of Abraham and David according to the Scriptures so that the two perfect and distinct natures were united in the person of Jesus Christ, truly God and truly man. Therefore, He became the only Mediator between God and man. (Hebrews 1:2-3; 1 Timothy 2:5; Matthew 1:22-23; Romans 9:5; Philippians 2:6-7).


Jesus Christ is the sole Savior of humanity. He lived a perfect, sinless life, and offered Himself as a substitute sacrifice for mankind's sins. His sacrifice was a righteous payment to God for the forgiveness of sin. This forgiveness was activated by His death through the shedding of His blood on the Cross and was accepted by God after His resurrection. He ascended to heaven after His resurrection to sit at the right hand of the Father, awaiting the time to receive His church in the Rapture, and to return after seven years to earth to govern and lead His Kingdom for 1,000 years.


(Psalms 2:7-9; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 43:11; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:25; Luke 1:26-35; John 1:1; John 1:3; John 14; John 18; John 29; Romans 3:19-25; Romans 5:6-15; Philippians 2:5-11; I Thessalonians 2:5; I Thessalonians 3:16; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Titus 2:10-15; Hebrews 7:26; Hebrews 9:24-28; I Peter 1:19; I Peter 2:2; I John 1:3; Revelation 20:1-6).

God, the Holy Spirit:

The Holy Spirit is a divine person, equal to God the Father and God the Son, and of the same nature. He was active in creation. He reproves sin and convicts of righteousness and judgment. He bears witness to the truth of the gospel. He is the agent in the new birth and regeneration. He seals, empowers, guides, teaches, testifies, sanctifies, and helps the believer. In His relationship with the unbelieving world, He restrains the evil one (Satan) until God's purposes are fulfilled. (John 14:16-17; 16:8-11; Ephesians 4:30; Romans 8:26; Acts 13:2-4).

The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer from the moment of belief, and that the filling and fullness of the Holy Spirit serve to enable each believer to testify of Christ in the process of sanctification.

Sin and Salvation:

All humans are born with the inheritance of natural sin received from our common ancestor Adam. Due to this nature, humans are sinners by choice, and are completely incapable of reforming themselves or ceasing to sin by their own power. The only hope for salvation for people turning to Jesus Christ as their only Savior. The only way people can be forgiven of their sins is through the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross. All who reject Jesus Christ as their Savior are already condemned to the Lake of Fire eternally (Genesis 5:1-5; Acts 4:19; Acts 16:31; Romans 3:10-23; Romans 5:6-12; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-6; Revelation 20:11-14).


Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who having died for our sins and shedding His atoning blood, was resurrected, and thus offers eternal life to everyone who believes in Him as their Savior.

The New Testament Church:

The church is built by YHVH to worship God, exalt Christ, and carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth.

The local church is independent and autonomous, with authority given by God to govern itself in fulfilling its purpose of preaching the gospel.


The church was initiated by Jesus Christ and was empowered on the day of Pentecost. The local church is the sole institution from God to carry out His work in this time. It is composed of members who have been saved and baptized according to the instructions of Christ, and who voluntarily gather together for the purpose of worshipping God, having fellowship with brothers and sisters, serving, and remembering the Lord's Supper. All believers will be taken in the Rapture, just before the Tribulation

(Matthew 16:16-18; Acts 1:15; Acts 2:41-43; Acts 11:15; Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; Ephesians 1:12-14; Ephesians 5:25-30; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Timothy 3:4-15).

The Ministry and Spiritual Gifts:

God is sovereign in bestowing all His gifts. The spiritual gifts of evangelists, pastors, and teachers are sufficient for the perfecting of the saints today. Speaking in tongues and performing sign miracles gradually ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed (Revelation 22:18, 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Ephesians 4: 7-12, 1 Corinthians 13:8-10, 1 Corinthians 1:22-24, 1 Corinthians 14:33).


God indeed hears and responds to prayers of faith, in accordance with His own will, for the sick, needy, and afflicted (John 15: 7; 1 John 5: 14-15).

The End Times and Eternity:

The Scriptures are to be interpreted literally within their grammatical and historical context. There will be a pre-tribulation rapture of the church's saints, followed by the seven years of the Great Tribulation. Then, Jesus Christ will physically return and commence His literal reign over Earth for one-thousand years.


After that, everyone will be resurrected. Saved believers in Christ will be resurrected to a new, glorified body with eternal life and communion with God in the New Heaven and New Earth. Unsaved souls will be resurrected to appear at the Great White Throne Judgment to be condemned and thrown into the Lake of Fire, where they will suffer everlasting punishment for eternity. (Matthew 25:40-46; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:19-26; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Jude 6-7; Revelation 19-22; Revelation 20:11-15).

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